Suck It Up, Buttercup:
Be A Leader People Will Follow, By Choice

The PC intro:  In “Suck It Up, Buttercup,” the leadership author Wendy Sellers will show you how to be a strong yet positive, effective leader using skills that motivate people to want to work hard for you and, eventually, improve business results. She discusses the many mistakes she has made in her journey. You will learn exactly how to be a leader people will choose to follow.

The Real Intro: Dominant, direct leaders who don’t get emotional get the job done, right? Take charge and cut to the chase, right? Other people who allow their emotions to get in the way of business need to just “suck it up.”  Right? Wrong! You might be part of the problem. 

This short management book covers topics ranging from personality styles using the DiSC model (how some personality styles rub some people the wrong way) to communication (which almost always goes wrong) and lack of common sense (hold your judgment).

Chapter 10 is an  “Acting Lesson” that challenges you to change (ie: practice new behaviors 15 minutes a  day). Currently available at my online store as well as on Amazon, in English (audio too) and Spanish. 

The 5 Pillars of
Company Culture
(Free Booklet)

5 Pillars of Company Culture, The Key to Success, The HR Lady

The PC Intro:  A great company culture is vital for engaging your most valuable resources: your employees. It determines who you will attract and retain and if your team is engaged, productive, and effective or just there for the paycheck. This booklet reviews the five pillars of company culture: Values, Feedback, Accountability, Team Unity, and Communication. 

The Real Intro: Engage these valuable and expensive employees or lose them. Worse, keep them while they are unengaged, unproductive, and still taking a paycheck anyway (a.k .a. they do the bare minimum). 

Don’t blame the employees – grab a mirror and ask yourself if you need to change your management style. 

Want engaged and productive employees? Read this today, then act! Make positive changes, and watch your team become engaged and productive. While ongoing feedback and accountability are essential, do not overlook the value of sincere appreciation and a specific thank you. It is free and fits every budget.

This free booklet is also available in audio. Check out The HR Lady’s YouTube and Podcast too.

Deal With Crappy Leaders & Jerks At Work

Asshole Whisperer the book

The PC Intro: “The Asshole Whisperer” contains true stories and tips to deal with crappy leaders and jerks at work. As a manager or employee who likes to lead, you will learn how to use company values to hold people accountable for their conduct, give feedback about bad attitudes, and assess and utilize personality traits (extrovert, introvert, ambivert) to your benefit.  

The Real Intro: Assholes are part of our lives. We can’t escape them as they are everywhere. However,  it is how we deal with them that makes the difference. As The Asshole Whisperer at work, you will be able to tame people who exhibit a crappy attitude and shitty behavior regardless of their technical work performance.

This book is even more direct than the first book and very thought-provoking.  It gives you step-by-step instructions on how to create Company Values as a committee. 

Wendy Sellers is the Asshole Whisperer. The book leaves you wondering, am I part of the problem?  And yes, there is an activity at the end if you want to take self-help further.  This book is available in Audio format on Amazon, and in Spanish print too.

Direct, Transparent, Helpful

Knock Drama Out of the Workplace

Wendy Sellers, The HR Lady®, is the author of “The Asshole  Whisperer, How to Deal with Crappy Leaders and Jerks at Work” and “Suck  It Up, Buttercup. Be a Leader People Will Follow.” Her goal is to improve employee retention, reduce turnover, and make it easy to attract candidates to your company. Wendy Sellers, The HR Lady Does Not Sugar Coat!

Email, call, or text Wendy Sellers at 407.493.1582  


This book does not disappoint!

In true Wendy Sellers fashion, she delivers powerful, direct lessons that make the reader turn inward often throughout the book. I love the no BS approach of Ms. Seller's works and this is the perfect follow up to Suck it up Buttercup! If other readers (and leaders) are like me, thinking that I always have my crap together in terms of leadership and communication skills, let me tell you that you need to reevaluate. Just changing one or two words in your interaction with staff or peers can go a long way toward creating a more productive work environment and enhance the firm's culture. If you value your staff, peers, clients, and even your personal relationships, you owe it to them and yourself to invest a few bucks and about an hour of your time in this book. Your ROI will be great!


Amazing book!!!!

The leadership concepts and stories of poor management in “The Asshole Whisperer” really resonated with me and some experiences I have been through. The manner which Wendy Sellers delivers these leadership concepts are so simple that I had to kick myself for not making these realizations before. I bought a copy for each of my managers to read and discuss. Our overall company-wide productivity has already increased and we now openly (yet respectfully) call each other out when exhibiting crappy leadership and dealing with jerks in our workplace.

Management Resources
for Employee Retention

  • The Cost Of Replacing an Employee is High! 

  • Listen to The HR Lady Podcast.

  • What do you mean when you say ‘Suck It Up, Buttercup?’
  • What makes a good leader?
  • What is up next for The HR Lady, an HR expert, leader, author and speaker??
  • Wendy is also an adventurer. 
  • I drove my 38-foot motorhome from Florida to California and back to Florida through 14 states in 69 days. 
  • While I encountered many, many challenges, I would not change a thing!
  • Check out the video and pdf at the YouTube link. This shares some stories and pictures from my Solo Cross Country RV Trip (2021). 

Contact Wendy Sellers, The HR Lady ®

Contact Form Page